Thursday, August 1, 2013

Clear the clutter and clean

“The freer your home is of clutter, the more attractive it will appear to potential buyers,” says Jonathan Waters, owner and Managing Director of Jonathan Waters Estate Agents in Ipswich.

“I am frequently seeing property for sale in Ipswich with internal photographs full of personal clutter and I am surprised that other estate agents do not appear to take the same amount of time and trouble we do advising our clients on just how to present their properties for sale.

“If your home is absolutely up to the ceiling with personal belongings and stuff from day to day living, it is not going to achieve its full market value and may even make the difference between whether the property sells or not.

“The presentation of your home for potential buyers who are coming round hopefully to buy your house, is serious business and should be taken as such.

“No buyer is expecting a show home, but even the cleanest, tidiest family in town are probably going to need to do a few things to spruce up their home.”

“The most effective action of all is to clear away the clutter.  Teenagers’ bedrooms are one of the worst potential disaster areas, and having two teenage daughters myself I know that only too well.  If necessary, bribe your teens to keep them tidy during the viewing period.

“Make some space, move unnecessary furniture into the attic, basement or garage – better still get it off the property all together.

“There are self storage depots which are invaluable tools for the house mover.  They are inexpensive and convenient and you can temporarily store all the junk you don’t want to throw out.

“Friends or relatives who may have spare rooms, garages etc. are also an absolute god-send when it comes to these sorts of things.

“Once the main clutter is out of the way, think about getting your carpets professionally cleaned, and what about putting in brighter light bulbs?  Removing net curtains to make rooms brighter is always a good one, particularly in north facing rooms.  Note, however that  once the net curtains are removed, it may highlight the fact that the windows need a clean.

“If you are in a block of flats with communal areas, consider clearing post and junk mail from the communal hallway.  Kitchen sinks, bathrooms and toilets should be spotless for viewers.

“Our highly experienced valuation staff can advise you as part of their valuation visit and their subsequent return to take your property on the market of any things that you can do to improve the appeal and presentation of your home to potential buyers.

“Between us, the staff at Jonathan Waters Estate Agents, have seen many a house sale scuppered by a cluttered and poorly presented family home.  At the same time, we have seen on the flip side to this, many sales created out of nothing because of how nice, tidy and clean the property was presented.

“If you would like one of my experienced valuers to visit your home and give you free advice, without any obligation on bringing your property to the market please contact us at Jonathan Waters Estate Agents.”

Propertyfor sale in Ipswich –  click here to find out more.

625 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 8ND
01473 721133

35 Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1BH
01473 281188

Bristol Court, Betts Avenue, Martlesham Heath Business Park, Martlesham IP5 3RY
01473 620222

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