Friday, September 6, 2013

Early September – The Very Best Time To Put Your Suffolk Property On The Market

The question I get asked more than any other about selling houses is: “When is the best time to put your Suffolk property on the market?”  Some people say the first week in January, some say the week before Easter.  I say neither.

In my opinion the 10 day period between the 5th and 15th September is the perfect time to put your home up for sale.

In January there is cold weather, snow, limited daylight and often no sunshine – take this year for example.  And, in 26 years I am yet to see a busy Easter weekend.

When selling a home, what you need above all else is a good selection of fresh buyers who are both serious and working to a specific deadline.  The first two weeks of September is the only fortnight of the year that you get this.  And what is the deadline – Christmas!

Existing buyers are coming off the back of a welcome holiday, or at least a break, and are invigorated and refreshed.  Some people will have spent their holidays thinking and discussing about moving or perhaps buying for the first time.  Buyers who had promised themselves they will move “this year” suddenly realise that if it is going to happen they had better do something about it now.

So holidays are over, children are back to school and the deadline of being in a new home for Christmas looms.

September, unlike January and Easter, also often brings some welcome late summer sunshine, and just about every property looks better when the sun is out.

This year I believe it is going to be even better than usual.  We have had a glorious summer, news of the economy and the housing market in general is the most positive it has been for 5 or 6 years, and mortgage rates are becoming more competitive with mortgages easier to obtain.

All in all I’m thoroughly looking forward to a busy September.

For advice on putting your Suffolk property on the market this month contact me at Jonathan Waters Estate Agents,  Silver Collection on 01473 215576

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